MONTH ONE - Production PLan Screenplay

You will learn how to plan your Production. What do you need to make the Production  Happen Now. You will commit to Set Deadlines for each Part of the Production and learn exactly what you will need 

You will learn how to Brainstorm Your Story by actually doing so on the Course Session. You will have an itemised Story Breakdown and you learn to format a screenplay with the correct software. You will Write a 10 minute screenplay for the film production.  The Free Sreenwriting software we use, will save you $250

MONTH TWO - How to use your Film Equipment and Casting

You will learn how to set up a casting by actually doing it. We will show you how and you will during the course session set up the Casting You will learn how to book your castings and set it up and actually have the casting. 

 Learn how to use the equipment and how to shoot a film scene. You will learn which Film Equipment you will need. Allow maximum $1K 

You can these days choose to shoot on your advanced Mobile Phone Camera provided you get certain apps and stabilzers.  You will also need some professional sound equipment and some basic lighting. This will all fit in a bag and you will be set for many years. You can always add to it as time progresses.

For those of you, who are keen on high end, the cameras we use on our physical courses are the Blackmagic Designs Cameras and Prime lenses. We will itemise these too. You do not need them to make your Short Film . You will learn in this second month how to use your Film Equipment. 


You will have a real casting with real actors. From the casting, you will pick actors for your  Film Shoot. Learning to Cast Correctly will dramatically improve the standard of your Film.

Learn Preproduction, the process of finding your Locations and Crew. Then Shoot your Film over 4 Days.


MONTH 4 Postproduction Career

Learn to edit your film on Adobe Premiere Pro and Colour on DaVinci. You actually edit the film and source music, colour grade , title the film film 

We currently have a video tutorial series of 11 tutorials, only available to people on the 5  Month Filmmaking Course. One must use these tutorials with the 3 live editing course lessons  and the footage you have shot  for the film. This way you will edit the entire short film.

The combination of the above three with the  deadline, have taught previous course participants to become effective editors (If needed, we supply the footage.

Please go to this page for Prices, Times, Dates, Course Content and Enrolment Details  

MONTH 5 Business of Filmmaking

Learn the business of Filmmaking  Create your Career Plan . Learn How to Get your Film into Film Festivals 

Learn how you find a film distributor and how film markets work. Why it is so much fun to go the American Film Market in Santa Monica. 

Please go to this page for Prices, Times, Dates, Course Content and Enrolment Details  

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