Yes we Can – Making your film happen now

Yes we Can – Making your film happen now

Making your film happen is more a state of mind than circumstances aligning. Whether it is a $2.2 million film or a micro budget film, the principal is still the same. Make a film happen by setting deadlines for each part of the process. The all important Deadline creates the reality of the project.images-2

When I used to teach film Making, I would always ask film students about their next projects.  I could tell instantly  who was actually going to make a film and who was not. Each person had a different language in the way they approached making a film

Person A Lets call them Michele would say
“I am thinking of making a film soon. I am hoping after Christmas I will get on to it and all going well I will make the film sometime in the year. I have a great script idea and I was hoping I can get some funding off the government. I am going to try my best that is for sure”

I can honestly bet $50,000 that this film will never be made. Even if I gave this person the money, the film would somehow not get made.

Person B. Lets say he is called Steve
“ I have written a script and I have booked in three days in May to shoot the film. I have a fundraiser event on the first Saturday in April and my crowd funding event will launch tomorrow.”

I have booked the DOP and he is bringing his equipment. I all ready have three of the main locations with only one other one to find. I am setting up a Star Now Campaign for Casting tonight. This film will  be finished in June.”
I will bet that there is a 95% certainty that this film will get made.

There are two different attitudes in play here. One is vague and hopeful The other is directed and full of purpose and intent.

Making a film is not about the money you have. Making a film is about the intent and the certainty mixed with Deadlines for the key event in the production.

Many people make consistent excuses why they never make a film Here are some examples

  1. I do not have the money
  2. I need more money than I have
  3. The weather is not right
  4. I don’t know how to make a film.
  5. I am waiting for such and such a camera to come on the market.
  6. I am plain unlucky at the moment and can not get the money.

All of this is bogus. If you do not have the money, work on ways to raise some cash budget and get as much of the cast and crew and equipment and locations for free or or for lower rates. If you do not know how to make a film enrol on a really good 4 Month Film School and learn how to make a film professionally.  Once you decide to make a film, there is nothing that will stop you making the film. If you have the intent, the law of attraction will help you make the film a reality.  Here is my own personal experience

  • Metamorphis 20 minute short film   I had no money or connections. I raised $40K and made the film with Robert Mammone (Fat Tony Mockball) in the mid 90s
  • The Makeover 95 minute Feature Film now sold all over the world and watched millions of times online with DVD release in Australia and New ZealandI had no money to make this film. I cash flowed 10 Three Day shoots on the weekend. Each Weekend Shoot cost $3k
  • Absolute Freedom Now financed $2.2 Million Budget.   One year ago I only had the story. Now I have an International Sales Agent attached, a great screenplay and $2.2 Million. We are shooting in the 2nd half of 2014.

Excuses such as lack of money are only subterfuge. I truly honestly believe from my experiences that making a film happen is all in the mind. If you want to see the reality of this make sure that you enrol on the 4 Month Film School 

Colm O’Murchu is the owner of the Indie Film Centre and also Sydney Film Base He is currently in early preproduction for the film Absolute Freedom.

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