Absolute Freedom Feature Film:  Business and Investment Plan 

Release Date:  May – August  2015Location Outback

  • Preproduction starts July 1st 2014 
  • The Shoot starts August 4th
  • Shooting three weeks in Sydney
  • Three weeks in the NSW Outback
  • Post October 2014 –  April 2014
  • Premiere at Cannes Marche. (Cannes Film Market) May 2015

Top Reasons to get involved in  ‘Absolute Freedom’ Film: 


With the exceptionally powerful climax, Absolute Freedom is a must for the person who would like to break into the movies as  a Producer  now.

  • The opportunity to be involved in one of the hottest films of 2014 – 2015
  • The opportunity to invest and make money on the investment.
  • If you invest a certain amount You will get a credit as an Associate Producer in return for investment.
  • You will end up on set and involved in the process of making the film.

Why We  Shall Succeed 

This is our guarantee. We will move heaven and earth to make the film ‘Absolute IMG_2183Freedom’ a massive success both online and in the wider film market.

At International Film Base, we intend to maximize the quality and the marketing and sales potential of the film ‘Absolute Freedom.’

We will always keep our Internet rights and will only sell non-exclusive internet exploitation to third parties. We will start from the beginning to simultaneously promote the film worldwide online and produce the film via film production. This is the new hybrid distribution model.

As always, there are no guarantees in any film investment and there is a small chance one can loose money.  However, the intent and the goal already conceived and believed, will attract the maximum success for the film production, ‘Absolute Freedom.’ Our goal is to maximise the return on investment.

We shall seek an international film name actor in the film that people will recognise worldwide. We intend and envision success for the film ‘Absolute Freedom’ as outlined below.


 Absolute Freedom – The Storyline


“In Los Angeles, Nathan hit rock bottom, in the Australian Outback he was born again as an Outlaw”.

1-Sentence Synopsis: Los Angeles Christian Zealot Nathan Koch loses his wife and his life and his faith in the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. Faking his own death, he re-creates himself as an outlaw in the Australian Outback.


Right Wing Los Angeles Christian Preacher, Nathan Koch, loses all his wealth, his house and hisOutback Location wife in the Global Finance Meltdown of 2008. After faking his death and changing his ID, Nathan, now called Christian Taylor, moves from Los Angeles to Australia with a new agenda. Angry with his former church, he recreates a totally new life. He decides to live a hedonistic lifestyle and live for the moment. He meets a young zany hitchhiker, Tara Wheatley, in the Australian Outback and is totally changed from a stiff Conservative to a hippy-like existence. Inspired by Tara, he transforms himself into a totally reckless outlaw of the Australian Outback. After robbing a bank with a haul worth millions, Tara and Christian are chased by police and an aggrieved criminal gang, hell bent on revenge. In a truly unexpected climax the film explodes into full collision of the truth.

For the full story, one needs to sign a non-disclosure agreement.


The Story Inspiration – Note: Colm O’Murchu


I have always loved the theme of starting a new life. This is a universal theme that every human can relate to.

Every time I am in the USA, I notice so many Americans would love to escape to the Australian Outback. I believe that this is the reason that Crocodile Dundee did so well back in 1986.

I feel that this desire to start out again is somewhat stronger in the USA due to the GFC of 2008 and the challenging economic conditions.

Absolute Freedom is a gripping story with so many twists and turns. (Details below) One thing is for certain, the audience will never be able to predict where the story will go. With the Australian Outback as the vista, its beauty will permeate the story.


Film Production and Sales Objectives72891eb61a8e80d72915d79f3ca0bc0e

Absolute Freedom is the next very exciting project from Colm O’Murchu and International Film Base.

Our vision and objectives for ‘Absolute Freedom’ are:

• To get a Cinema Release in US and Australia

• To sell Pay TV in US and Australia and Europe

• To get broadcast in Australia Europe and US

• To win a Major Film Festival

• To go viral on our online Video Platforms and get 10 million plus views charged at

$3 per stream

• To be one of the most talked about indie films on the internet.

Business Plan Strategy –      Worldwide Sales Projections: IMG_2125

Film Budget = $2.2,million 

Film Release

1. World Premiere Screening: 

Cannes or Toronto Film Festival and Market –

2On-line Film Release 

This will be one of the biggest financial returns on the film. When the time comes to release on-line, we shall create a Release Date where it will be available on all platforms on the same day:

1. Stream charge

2. Buy the downloaded film

Platforms that pay the Producer Directly. IMG_2232

1. Our own website and Facebook

2. Youtube

3. Amazon

4. Netflix

5. Quickflix

6. Hulu


Financial Return Target that we aim to achieve. THIS IS OUR BUSINESS PLAN IMG_2184

1. To make $3 per stream clear profit

2. $10 per sale clear profit of bought versions of the film

3. 2 million streams = $6 000 000 return

4. 1 million sales VOD, DVD BLUE RAY = $10 000 000 return

Goal = $16 000 000 return on on-line film Sales.

PROFIT = $15,290,000


3, Name/ Film Markets: 

With a Probable name involved in our film such as Richard Dreyfuss or Bill Murray, our Sales Agent could get about $1 000 000 to $5 000 000 in sales worldwide.


5. Film release Australia and USA for Prestige: The Dream IMG_2193

Goal = to release on 100 screens and increase and make a Box Office of $20 000 000 or more in Australia

Goal = release of film on thousands of screens and make a Box Office of $100 000 000 or more in the USA



Pre-Production: Monday July 1st 2014  – Saturday 2nd August 2014   5 weeks

Principal Photography: The Shoot: Monday 4th August 2014  – Saturday 19th September 2014

Post-Production:   September 2014 – April 2015

Premiere Cannes Film Market May 2015

Income Return Predicted in Business Plan =  Year of 2015 ( However income will return for years after production with further sales and royalties involved)


Budget Breakdown P1070808



Stage 1a – Development: $ 52 000

Stage 1b – Pre-production: $ 70 000

Stage 2 – Production: $338 000

Stage 3 – Post-production: $130 000

Stage 4 – Marketing: $100 000

Contingencies: $ 20 000

Total estimated cost of production: $2 MillionP1070813




Here are the main benefits to youIMG_2232

  1. Excitement and a great adventure
  2. The fast way in to the film world. Let us help you obtain your Associate Producer Credit and Training.
  3. Potential extensive blue sky profits with film sales


Investment Opportunities

Please remember that each unit is a minimum $2 000 and you can buy as many units as are available.  

For the Associate Producer Credit and Benefits associated the minimum investment is $16,000 which is 1 Mega- Unit or 8 units

Deadline for Investment 31st March 2014

Any Questions or for an investment meeting,  please call on 1800 131166


$2 000 (1 Unit) to $14 000 (7 Units): 

Location Hunt Outback
Location Hunt Outback

Investment: Receive money out of first proceeds pro rata till principal paid back

Share of profits (each unit is worth 0.28% of Net Profits)

  • Investor Credit
  • Regular Email communication about the film progress
  • A walk on Artist (Extra) in the film
  • Invite to the Wrap Party
  • Special invite to the Premiere Screening


$16 000 investment (8 Units = 1 Mega-Unit)   Associate Producer Opportunity Outback 3

  • Investment: Receive money out of first proceeds pro rata till principal paid back
  • Share of profits (each unit is worth 0.28% of Net Profits)
  • Associate Producer Credit
  • IMDB recognition as a Producer of a Feature Motion Film
  • Regular Email communication about the film progress
  • A walk on Artist (Extra) in the film
  • Invite to the Wrap Party
  • Special invite to the Premiere Screening
  • Free Online Film School
  • Come on Set on any seven days of the shoot. (except closed sets)
  • If you are keen to invest $16.000 or more, please call on 1800 131166 for a special meeting.

Please also note that you can invest as many units as you wish to.


Finders Fee  

There is a 5% commission for anyone who finds investors. This is called a Finders Fee.  Currently we have contracted one professional Finder who will place us in contact with the people who invest big sums of money.

For Details please arrange a a  meeting with Colm O’Murchu 1 800 131166


So I want to Invest. Tell me how to proceed

The process is easy. 

1. Please phone 1 800 131 166 or email business@internationalfilmbase.com and express yourQueensland OUtback1 interest in investing in ‘Absolute Freedom’

2. Please inform us that you would like to invest and how much

3. We shall set up a meeting where you meet Colm O’Murchu and JT Schepp. Meetings can be via Skype or a Phone Meeting or in person.

4. We shall send the investment forms and the NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) to you in advance of the meeting

5. At the meeting we shall answer any further questions

6. At the end of the meeting we shall sign all forms

7. Payment then can be made via Internet Bank Transfer or Cheque

If you have any questions, please call Colm O’Murchu on 1 800 131 166 or email on business@australianfilmbase.com.

Production Company: 

Company: International Film Base

Address: 101 Eton Rd,

Lindfield, NSW, 2070


Contact Number : 61 414 691 167

E-mail: business@australianfilmbase.com

Web: www.internationalfilmbase.com

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