Paramount and Apple finance new Martin Scorsese Movie.
Leonardo and the Oscar Roles

Paramount and Apple finance new Martin Scorsese Movie.

Paramount and Apple finance new Martin Scorsese Movie. Why this is a game changer for the Movie Business?

This week I noticed the huge Hollywood Deals are back and one in particular stood out. Paramount and Apple have committed to finance  the new $200 million Martin Scorsese movie. Why this is a game changer?

As of today, Apple are now firmly and finally in the big budget high caliber movie business.  
Recently Netflix financed “The Irishman” with a similar budget. However they went for a limited one month cinema release where the film became a small film and lost it’s allure. 

 This Apple deal is different. With the mouthwatering prospect of Martin Scorsese teaming up with Leonardo DiCaprio on his next project, this film will be a mega Hollywood arthouse film.  Paramount are involved and will do a major cinema release and Apple will finance the production cost.

 The Film is based on the book “Killers of the Moon” and will most likely keep the same title. The books is based on the Osage Murders in Oaklahoma in the early 1920s. It is also explores the Birth of the FBI. It is the third non-fiction book by American journalist David Grann. The book was released on April 18, 2017 by Doubleday and now will be a major Hollywood movie. 

 Why is this Deal between Apple and Paramount a game changer? 

 Apple are now firmly involved with the big end of Hollywood. Their name is attached to a huge movie that will most likely be big at Oscar Season 2022. 

 The streaming wars are great for the high end Movie business. When Netflix where the solo streaming service they wrote the rules and saw big movies as just more content to gain more subscribers. 

Not anymore. Now there will be major releases for Big Arthouse style movies on a regular basis. 

That is a win for movie buffs who love to see great movies in the cinema on wide release.  The deal is set up with Apple financing the production and Paramount financing the marketing of the film and making sure that it gets a major cinema release, worldwide. 

This limits the financial risk for Paramount and catapults Apple into a major player in Hollywood. This is very much a win win deal. 

The Film business is changing and for the better. There is a misconception that because of  Covid-19, people may decide to stay at home in the future. 

In fact the opposite is true.  There is a huge desire for normal life to return and a trip to the cinema will be one of these pleasant treats. 

With Apple supportive of major Cinema releases, this will pressure Amazon Prime and Netflix to do the same in the future. 

There is every good reason to be optimistic about filmmaking at the top end of Hollywood. It is also inspiring for the Indie Filmmaker who climbs the filmmaking mountain and becomes an auteur film director. Then his or her films can become Hollywood Oscar movies that get seen all over the world. 

If you are an indie filmmaker, please check out our filmmaker resources page 

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