Read Hollywood Screenplays and Watch the Movie

Read Hollywood Screenplays and Watch the Movie

It is so important as a Producer and Director to pick the best successful screenplay and therefore in the last post, we established that it was essential to learn how to write a screenplay.

This would in turn help you, the producer director, to pick screenplays that will be successful. Alternatively, you could choose to write your very own screenplays. 

In this post, I would like to pass on  the number one tip for improving your screenplay writing or reading skills and it is this simple.  Read proven Hollywood Screenplays that have become a successful hit Movie.

How do You find them? 
Today it is very easy to find them.  Google “Screenplays to read” See what comes up in the search. There will be a myriad of screenplays to read. The First Search Result that I always find is “50 Best Screenplays to Read and Download” on Scriptwriter Pro.

This site has some amazing scripts that you can read in their original format. Once you have read them, then you can watch and study the movie.

Now if you do this in conjunction with a really good film course where you learn screenwriting, you will find your screenwriting skills and ability to pick a great screenplay will improve dramatically 

As I have been teaching filmmaking and screenwriting for 25 years, this combination  of learning how to write screenplays and reading Hollywood  scripts, will help you pick winners or write winners.

There are many producers who work off ego and never learn about screenplays or ever read successful screenplays. These producers often pick turkeys and thus produce films that are not successful.

Decide now that you will not join them.

Learn all about filmmaking including how to write a screenplay and Read Successful Blockbuster Screenplays in the genres you love. Make Sure you watch the film afterwards so you can learn how the screenplay was adapted to the screen.  Also, a great idea is to pick Hollywood screenplays that you have not seen the actual movie. Read the Screenplay and then watch the movie. This can be an invaluable learning experience.


Please see the following Filmmaking Courses 

Flagship 5 Month Film School Online  – Enrol and Attend Online from anywhere in the world.   Please Go Here for Information 

5 Month Film School Sydney and Melbourne 
Face to Face and Make a Film on the Film School at our Course Venues 

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