Tabernacle 101 – Releases 30th August

Tabernacle 101 – Releases 30th August


Hi it is Colm O”Murchu from Indie Film Passion and Producer Director of the supernatural film Tabernacle 101  “Making a short film is a sprint. Making a feature film is a marathon.”   So goes the saying that is bandied around the Indie Film World.

Right now, we have arrived 31 days out from our American cinema release of our 99 minute movie Tabernacle 101. 
We are one month away.

Making a feature film is always a bigger commitment than it seems to be at the start of the process. The process of making a film involves so many areas coming together to get the film made.

Once you have completed the film, then it is the process to get your film seen by the biggest possible audience.

One of the things I always recommend is imaging the size of the audience. Imagine the audience for the film and create a number of eyeballs, that you would love to see the film. Now of course this is aspirational as always.

If you set an audience of 2 million people to see your short film and only half a million see it, so what. If you set no aspirational goal, possibly no one would see it or 500 people would see it.

Setting a goal, solidifies the intention and attracts more people to see the film. We have decided to keep our goal for Tabernacle 101 secret and only for Yolandi, my co-producer and myself to know. But of course, we are aiming high. It is big, real big.

How do we get our feature film seen by a massive audience?Simple – Platforms.

Tabernacle 101 will be released on ten different platforms over the next seven months around the world. As you already know , platforms is how people see movies these day 

In Australia , last week Foxtel merged it service with the world famous platform,  Netflix. Foxtel realised that everyone is now watching their movies mainly on Amazon Primes, Netflix or Stan here in Australia.

In the US the main platforms are Netlfix Amazon Prime, Hulu and HBO.  Coming online in November will be Disney’s new streaming service at $7 per month.

So to get seen by the biggest audience one has to focus on platforms. Fortunately our Distributor in the US , Indie Film Rights, knows this and will release us on 10 platforms over six months after our Cinema Release on the 30thAugust.
We would love  you to see our trailer and also please sign up on our website Indie Filmmaking Passion    The Trailer will come first up.

Best Regards
Colm O’Murchu      Director Producer Tabernacle 101

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