Top 10 Tips for Directing Actors
TOP 10 TIPS FOR DIRECTING ACTORSMany new Directors have no experience with working with actors. Directing Actors in Film is a subtle art. You will get the hang of it, once you start…
TOP 10 TIPS FOR DIRECTING ACTORSMany new Directors have no experience with working with actors. Directing Actors in Film is a subtle art. You will get the hang of it, once you start…
It is Colm O'Murchu your host for Filmmaking 101 with Podcast 2. This week it is just me on my own. Currently I am editing Tabernacle 101 our new one hour…
Today is a very exciting day for me. This is my first of many future podcasts. In future podcasts, you will hear from experienced filmmakers. You will hear how they made…
Today is a retro post with my 8 top tips for the Indie Filmmaker at the end of this post. It is now 20 years since we first started our…
Today, I would like to talk about the holy grail of Film Making, The Feature Film. Some of you may feel like the Feature Film Production is an impossible task,…
Its taken 29 days exactly to complete the first draft of 'Absolute Freedom'. In the hope of helping you with your own projects, I would like to share my own…
Should I shoot my own film or hire an experienced DOP (Cinematographer)? This is a question that I am asked by my clients on a regular basis. So here is…
Screenplay Update on Absolute Freedom – Week 1 of a 5 Week writing Process. Once again I am sharing my experiences in creating the 110 minute feature film, 'Absolute Freedom'. …
It has been a big decision to make. The decision is this. Do I share all our confidental information about the financing of our film, 'Absolute Freedom'? Do I publish…
One of the main reasons I have decided to keep a regular blog is to highlight the process of creating our next feature film, Absolute Freedom. I want to include what works…