The Filmmakers Winning Mindset

The Filmmakers Winning Mindset

The Filmmakers Winning Mindset

A Strong Filmmakers Mindset is the most important requirement for the up and coming emerging filmmaker. A  Strong Filmmakers Mindset helps the Indie Filmmaker to consistently make quality feature films that get seen. The most important part of mindset  can be summarised in this sentence.

  “I will make my film no matter what by this date.”

Most filmmakers would love to have millions of $ to play with when making their films. Having a full professional crew and a full professional production management team and a “Name” in your film, is a glorious set of circumstances.This scenario of course is preferable and what I always aim at when making my films is a multi million $ movie. 

Raising millions of Dollars for any film whether you are experienced or emerging. takes time. Years can flash by without a film made. This is not conducive to a successful filmmaking career. Therefor I recommend the Two Prong Approach/ 

The Two Prong Approach is what I  recommend to up and coming filmmakers, who have already made a micro budget feature film.

  • Project One – Going via the film finance system searching out millions oof $ from Distributors and Film Investors.
  • Project Two – Making a Film Now on a  Micro-budget which will still attract donation investors and Sponsorship. 

This way you are always making a film now and sometimes the making of  Micro-budget Project 2 , opens up the way for Project 1 to happen and attract millions of Dollars. This way a filmmaker is always making a film. 

If you make great micro budget film, the money will follow for the fully financed Project 1. This mindset of “I will make my film now no matter what”,  is paramount to your success. It is why I teach micro budget filmmaking models, so the you can be making a film all the time when you want and green-lit by you

I was talking to Eddie Aryara a student of mine,  who came to the 5 Month Filmmaking School in Sydney 12 years ago. He had no filmmaking knowledge and was a complete novice. He was so inspired by the 5 Month filmmaking School, he decided that he wanted to be a filmmaker and nothing else for the rest of his life.  Now he is on his fifth feature film and already attracting finance for his sixth and the budgets are now breaking the $1 Million mark. In fact, one of his  most recent feature film Risen, is in the the top 5 this week on Prime Video this week. 

I always love to see successful filmmakers rise to the top and even more so when that filmmaker started with us on the Five Month FIlm School in Sydney or Melboiurne.   

Now, you can  benefit by enrolling on our 5 Month Filmmakers mentorship program taken from anywhere is the world, where you get one on one coaching.  You learn how to make a film now and actually do it with the support of our 177 Video Tutorials and the amazing Filmmakers To Do List for that week . Please take a look here on this link. 

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