Would you like to Green-light your own Films Anytime?

Would you like to Green-light your own Films Anytime?

Green Light your own film anytime.

Today, I would like to show you how you can catapult your Filmmaking Career. That means you start to Make Films at will and now.  In other words you Green-light your own Films. 

So many filmmakers go cap in hand around to various sources of finance begging to get their film made. Some are lucky after many years of toil and stress. But most and if not nearly all of them fail. This is called the boulevard of broken dreams. 

So many beginners and emerging filmmakers are taught that this is the only way and I would like to ask you this Question. You do not want to be one of them. Correct? 

Today I want to talk about a way forward where you make a film at will when you are ready and when you want to.  Many people who work with us make  a feature film every 18 months to 2 years.  If  you are making a short film, you could make two a year or as many people do, one per year.  They put everything into making it and perfect it.  The choice is yours, but money should never  be the problem or the block. 

As you saw in my video that teaches you the prime Directive of Filmmaking, finance comes in many forms. I also talk about our film Tabernacle 101, that had no budget and we made into an amazing film. 

I have taught filmmaking at my Film School  for 27 years now in both Sydney and Melbourne Australia. We have seen everything in that time and trained many successful filmmakers that now make muti-million $ movies. One charateristic they have in common, is that they do not wait around for finance. 

They go and make their film now. Watch these two videos  for Inspiration

But how do you do this.
First Set the Goal. Decide on what you want to Make  A Feature film if you have some experience or if you are starting out and are a beginner, a 10 minute Short Film

Second,  learn Filmmaking via making a Film. You need to learn how to do this either at an expensive film school or on set of other peoples films. 

Third and most important of all,  get Mentorship from a Filmmaking Coach or Filmmaker If you do not know a filmmaker this is impossible. Or is it?

Have a look at our Filmmakers Mentorship Program that is available now for a limited time. Please see the details on this page. 

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